
New SPORTident Center administration experience

New SPORTident Center administration experience

We are launching a new administration experience for SPORTident Center. All users of Center will be greeted by a modern, improved administration web app after signing in on Center. We have designed the new experience around what matters most to our users: their events. This new focus on the event makes it easier to navigate and find the functionality you are looking for in Center and paves the way for adding new features in the future. Especially users of the SPORTident Orienteering App should find the new admininistration web app much more accessible.

While the new experience is available now, you can still access the classic administration experience via the link at the bottom of the main menu. Not all administration functionality has been migrated yet. Users of the live data features of Center, e.g. when working with our GSM Modems or the SPORTident Mobile Reader App, will find the classic experience a better fit for their needs for the time being. We will migrate all functionality of the classic administration experience to the new administration experience over the coming months.

Last but not least, Center now finally has a start page. The start page provides quick access to published results and the administration web app as well as links to the relevant product pages with more information. Results published from the SPORTident Orienteering App are grouped by club, making it easier to find the results for your orienteering training.

We hope that you like the new administration experience. We would love to get your feedback so please send thoughts, suggestions for improvements, but also things you like to center@sportident.com.

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