
Results of SPORTidents user survey concerning WOD 2017

Results of SPORTidents user survey concerning WOD 2017

To all participnats we want to say "Thank you very much" for taking part in our survey concerning the WOD 2017. With your answers, we got valuable input for starting to improve the quality of our products and services and it helped us a lot to report the WOD 2017. Therefore, we want to give you a short summary.

Summarized it can be said, that more than the half of the interviewed people didn´t participate for the first time in WOD 2017. Most of them participated with a sports or special orienteering club, to make their sport more popular, even to young people. With 71 points in average the more than 140 participants of our survey thought that the WOD 2017 was successful in their opinion and are going to take part in the next years` WOD, too. We also find out that 85% are doing orienteering sports next to the WOD in an o-club with passion. In conclusion, the main part of the survey participants are doing orienteering sports regularly in a club and think that the WOD is an great opportunity to make this sport more popular to the whole world. Nevertheless, there are untaken chances to support this kind of sport more, that e.g. schools get in touch early to introduce it to the young people or to reach more attention.

If you want to share your experiences with SPORTident equpiment or just want to give a feedback and personal opinion we are looking forward to your Mail to support@sportident.com .

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