
Enthusiastic users of the SPORTident AIR+ technology at the Jan Kjellstrom Trophy 2017

Enthusiastic users of the SPORTident AIR+ technology at the Jan Kjellstrom Trophy 2017

The JK International Festival of Orienteering is held each Easter in a different part of the UK. With more than 2,500 participants, it is Britain and Ireland’s largest annual orienteering event, where SPORTident (both contactless and direct) has been used. This provided SPORTident an opportunity to show how effective our timing technology is for both organisers and competitors. The SIAC Card has been developed to work contactlessly with all existing SPORTident stations. Orienteers were able to use their traditional SI-Cards for direct punching in the stations or they could use a SIAC for contactless punching. Every orienteer was given the opportunity to hire a SIAC if they didn’t already own one. All juniors aged 18 or less - youngsters are the future for the sport - had the opportunity to test for FREE our contactless punching way, a fresh, exciting and modern experience. By the end of the weekend, parents had a good idea of the next Birthday/Christmas present for their children.

The weekend was a complete success for both orienteers and organisers. On some of the days up to 60% of orienteers were using a SIAC for contactless punching.  SPORTident would like to thank JK2017 for their visionary thinking and allowing us to showcase mixed punching at the largest orienteering event in the world so far.

Photographer: Robert Lines

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