
Win a supporting set of 15 O-Stand and 15 control flags

Win a supporting set of 15 O-Stand and 15 control flags

Specially for the World Orienteering Day 2017 we developed orienteering equipment for the young generation of orienteers. This also affects the support of the work of the organisers and the teachers in orienteering activities. Create an exciting course, turn on our timing equipment, start with the competition and get an instant printout of the results. The kids will love it!

Use your chance to complete your "WOD" School-Set and win a supporting set of 15 O-Stand and 15 control flags. 

With every order of a “WOD” School-Set you will automatically participate to our lottery which will take place on the 30th of April 2017.

Be part of the World Orienteering Day and use our special offers to make your event exciting and unforgettable.

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