
SPORTident - present all over the world

SPORTident - present all over the world

Within the last weeks SPORTident was present at the most important orienteering events all over the world, like the Euromeeting in Estonia, the World Cup Final in Switzerland, the 6th CISM World Games in Korea as well as the Junior European Cup in Germany, which took place in conjunction with the German Championships in Long Distance.

At all these events both SPORTident systems, AIR+ and the classic punching technology, were successfully used for timekeeping. In addition some members of the SPORTident team were present to demonstrate the contactless timing with AIR+. We wanted you to make yourself familiar with this system since it was already used in orienteering competitions in the past and also it will be used in many events in the future. Your huge interest and your enjoyment of the technology were a real pleasure for us.

Furthermore we gladly took your first pre-order for the SIAC.

Now we want to say thank you for your numerous visits at our booths and for your amazing and very positive feedback!

For more information and many fascinating pictures visit us at facebook.

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