
Your ideas are needed!

Your ideas are needed!

Are you creative? Do you have something in your mind or any wish for a product or service that SPORTident should develop or offer? Since we are always interested in the needs and demands of our customers and clients, we would love to know your ideas and wishes for our products and services. Send us your suggestions. We will publish the best ideas and the names of their owners. Then all of you can vote for your favorite one. Afterwards SPORTident will choose the winner from the best three ideas you vote for. The winner of this competition will be invited to visit our headquarter in Arnstadt, Germany.

Spend two days with SPORTident and stay for one night in the city that is also known as "The Gateway to the Thuringian Forest".

Take part in the competition and send your idea with the subject “SI Competition” to the following email address: support@sportident.de. Meet the challenge and become a part of the SPORTident family! Maybe it’s your idea, being realised.

*Please be informed that by sending your ideas to SPORTident, you will waive all future claims. All rights are assigned to the SPORTident GmbH.

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