
How often do SI-Stations need a new battery?

How often do SI-Stations need a new battery?

In the average user scenario, the battery lifetime of a BSF8 or BSF9 station is 5-6 years.

SPORTident stations are characterised by extremely low power consumption, as this was an important aspect in the development of the stations. SPORTident stations support mixed use for direct punching with SI-Cards at the station and additionally contactless identification of a SIAC in AIR+ mode.

Although the energy consumption for contactless "punching" in AIR+ mode is significantly higher, the station no longer has to beep and flash in AIR+ mode. In AIR+ mode, the SIAC beeps and flashes, which saves energy at the station.

In addition to the frequency of use, the discharge of the batteries in sleep mode also plays a role. Even stations that are not used much in either AIR+ or classic punching mode and are not used most of the time should have their batteries replaced after a certain time, as a battery gets old even if it is not used or is used very little.

In a normal and average user scenario, the battery lifetime is 5-6 years.

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